Advice from a Carpenter

Imagine my surprise and delight when standing in my backyard I looked up and saw this beautiful family of hummingbirds. As an animal lover and particularly, a bird enthusiast, I was overwhelmed.

After quickly grabbing my camera and capturing this special scene, I thought about how wise the hummingbird was in the way she built her nest and the choices she made. There are many trees to choose from in our yard, most of them willowy and with light delicate foliage. This wise momma bird chose a mature carrot wood tree with a thick canopy to protect her young from predators and the elements. The branches are interlocking, running through the very nest itself making it structurally sound. The carrot wood is also the strongest tree in our yard with deep roots providing a solid foundation. With the added provision of our nearby fountain, these hummingbird babies were as secure as they could be.

This heart-warming scene reminded me that Jesus was a carpenter.  He knew what he was talking about when he instructed us to be wise and to build our house upon the rock instead of on shifting sand. 

Matthew 7:24 & 25 says “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will compare him to a wise man who built his house on solid rock. The rains descended, the flood came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

Jesus was not talking about home improvements here. He was talking about the structural soundness of our lives. He didn’t say that the rain and the floods would not come, or that the winds would not blow. Instead, He assured us that if we have worked His words into our lives and walk in His ways, we will then be anchored to a solid foundation that will stand strong when the storm does come.

Isn’t it beautiful how creation itself gives us obvious examples of how God’s ways are for our benefit. Just like the beautiful nest woven securely into the tree, I suggest we follow the Carpenters advice, and build our lives on the solid rock.

Put On Love

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is I put on my sweats.  It motivates me to do what I intend to do, which in this case is a good 30 minute workout.  I love my workout!  It not only benefits my day, but also has lifetime benefits in keeping my body in shape and healthy.  What I put on helps me to accomplish that.

Then, after prayer and a little breakfast, I put on what I’m going to wear for the rest of the day.  It’s an outfit that helps me to be presentable at scheduled meetings and also to be ready for any spontaneous or unexpected encounters where I need to make a good impression.  It also shows those who are working for me that I care about what we’re doing.  I want to be a good example as an ambassador of the dreams and goals I stand for. What I put on helps me to succeed.  

Most of us have experienced this.  When we put on the right clothing for a specific task it motivates us to do our best and energizes our work.  Sometimes that means a nice suit and sometimes it means comfortable sweats. 

So what should I wear to represent the aspect of my life that is more important to me than anything else?  How do I dress as an ambassador of my faith in Christ?  Is there something I can actually put on?

The Bible says yes!  Colossians chapter 3 verse 12 says “…put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another”.  Verse 14 goes on to say “But above all these things put on love”.

So how do we clothe ourselves in love?  I think you’ll find these ways to be a “good fit”:

  1. Prayer ~ Talking, listening, and submitting ourselves to God daily. (Philippians 4:6-7)  
  2. The Bible ~ Reading and memorizing God’s Holy Word. (Matthew 4:4)
  3. Regular fellowship with other believers ~ Attending church, small groups, and especially “play dates” with friends J (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  4. Acts of service ~ God has made it clear that our purpose on earth as His children is to serve Him by serving others. (James 2:14-17)    

To put on, or “clothe ourselves” in Christ’s love is something we must choose to do every day in order to best represent the loving God we serve. 

So go ahead, Put On Love.  It’s the outfit that looks good on everyone!

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

tire21812_1_innerbigTires take a lot of abuse from the roads they travel. There are dips and potholes all along the way. There’s broken glass or nails that can puncture them, requiring surgery to be removed and patched! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that nearly 1 in 10 crashes are tire-related, with neglect being the most common culprit. All of these factors can deflate, damage and shorten the life of a tire. It’s good to remember how much is riding on our tires! Keeping them aligned and properly inflated can be the difference between death and life.

Imagine the people in your life being like tires. It’s not a glamorous comparison, but it’s a good word picture for an important lesson. How does your input in their lives affect them? After spending time with you are they properly filled up, inflated and ready to roll, or are they deflated, and limping away? Are they re-aligned with hope, clarity and health, or are they worn down and damaged? It’s not always easy to act with proper care in all of our relationships, but it’s always worth it.

The good news is, we have the ability to breathe life into others! Proverbs 18: 21 tells us, “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Through our actions, our words and even our silences, we have the choice to inflate or deflate, to build up or tear down.

Just like our tires, there’s a lot riding on the lives of the people around us. What we breathe into their lives today may give them hope to breathe life into others tomorrow. That’s where the rubber meets the road.


A New Beginning

1363846The quote with the most “likes” about the beginning of 2015 was by vocal artist, Taylor Swift. It simply reads…

“This is a New Year, a new beginning…and things will change!”

We can all relate to the hope of a new beginning, a second chance, or a way to start over, especially at the onset of a New Year.

For most of us the final week of December is filled with expectations of what the New Year will bring. Thoughts of a fresh start fill us with hope as we make our resolutions, longing to become a better person or live a better life in some way.

And yet, all too soon, the hope begins to fade. For all the good intentions, only a tiny fraction of us keep our resolutions; University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.

But there is an everlasting hope available to all of us. One that will satisfy any human longing, and it starts with a new beginning.

The Bible tells us that once we choose to embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we get a fresh start, a new beginning. We actually become a new creation! The old life is gone; a new life begins! (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

That kind of “new” will not fade with time. Instead, it only grows as our reconciled relationship with God continues to re-new us day by day. (2nd Corinthians 4:16) That kind of “hope” does not disappoint. Instead, the love of God being poured into our hearts is the evidence of the blessings God has in store for us. (Romans 4:20)

CS Lewis put it this way,

“The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become – because God made us. He invented us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. . .It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own.”
C.S. Lewis

God alone gives us a new life that no one can take away, a new hope that nothing can fade. God is a God of new beginnings!

Never Forgotten

DiverAs I woke up this morning I thought of war and the loss of life. It made me cry… even as I write this. But sacrifice is not only measured in loss of life. Tomorrow, we honor those who came home. Their sacrifice is tangible, but immeasurable, and must not be forgotten.

  • A deep-sea diver in WW2 (my father)
  • A Chaplain Colonel in the Air Force (my father in-law)
  • A front line musician/minister to our troops (my brother in-law)
  • A Lt. Colonel in the Air Force (another brother in-law)
  • A platoon scout leader in Vietnam (my cousin killed in action at 19 yrs. old)
  • A social work officer in Vietnam (my cousin, author of A Vietnam Trilogy)
  • An Army officer in Vietnam (my best friends brother suffering from PTSD)
  • A young Lieutenant now serving in the US Army (my nephew)

I will never forget the sacrifices of people like these that allow the rest of us the freedom to sit in front of our machines and say anything we want!

Do you know any veterans personally? If so, make a plan to honor them this Veteran’s Day. Give them a call, write them a note, send them a song, or spend time with them. I will join you in letting them know that their sacrifice and service will never be forgotten.

The Combat Musician: (great songs for veterans)

Responsibility and Privilege


Now that Election Day is over I’m sure we are all hoping that our newly elected officials will work together as a government that is truly “for the people”. It is their responsibility to do so. And now that we have exercised our responsibility and privilege to vote, what more can we do as “the people”?

I would suggest that we begin with prayer.

While writing letters, signing petitions, joining marches or forwarding legitimate information may all be effective ways to gain the attention of our representatives in office, I believe prayer is the most effective way of all.

God promises that if we trust in Him in all of our ways that He will direct our path.

Would you join me today as I pray that our newly elected leaders will seek Divine wisdom and guidance, and that they will lead this country according to God’s Word?

After all, it is our responsibility and privilege to do so.

Song: He Shall Direct Your Path (Proverbs 3:1, 5 & 6) Sweet Dreams Album


Be Still

woman-hammock-bigHello Dear Friends! I hope everyone enjoyed a time of rest and relaxation over Labor Day. It happens to be one of my favorite weekends! I love the fact that we all feel permission to kick back and do absolutely nothing if we so choose. It’s a time to “be still.”

That’s what I like best about summer. It’s a season when there seems to be less pressure than usual with time for getaways, outdoor concerts, visiting with friends, family re-unions, etc. Personally, I get more reading done in the summer than ever, which is something I truly love to do but never seem to have enough time for.

As the season comes to a close I want to remind us all to hold on to the feeling of being refreshed. As much as I love autumn and look forward to the winter holidays ahead, I also know it’s a season filled with events and deadlines. There are demands on our time and tasks to perform that can quickly rob us of the joy we experienced only a moment ago.

My hope for you is that as the seasons change and the possible pressures begin to loom, you will think on the God of Peace who holds your days in His hands and that you will make time to “be still”.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 

Pray For Peace

101253-reba_mcentire_617_409Reba McEntire’s new song, Pray For Peace, is reaching people everywhere. Recently the music video had 5,629,031 likes.

I think most of us would agree with this call to action to pray for leaders and families, to pray for wisdom and understanding. Our hearts should be broken that the world is in so much conflict and innocent people are suffering.

Let’s join Reba and her plea, but let’s add to that a prayer that the true answer to all of man-kind’s problems will be ushered in. That the transforming power of the Love of God will enter hearts and light up minds with the Truth that leads to real peace. That people everywhere will embrace the two most important commandments according to Jesus in Matthew 22:37-39; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Amen.