Meaningful Memories

When I first began to date my husband, Amick Byram, I was immediately impressed by how many songs, poems and sayings he had memorized. This was, of course, after first being impressed with his good looks and talent!
As time went on and we became more comfortable with each other, he would frequently burst into song or recite a lyric for me that he had learned from his childhood. You see, he had learned them early in his young life and would never forget them. They had become meaningful to him and he wanted to share them.
After getting used to the fact that dating Amick was like being in The Sound of Music, I became more familiar with the memories that had informed his life, and I began to see a pattern. These songs, scriptures or sayings all had a delightful sense of happiness and a celebration of life. They made me feel good or hopeful when I heard them. Some were even mysterious, quirky or thoughtful, but there was still a sense of joy and wonder to them.
My husband is a great example of the importance of the memories we create for our children. What we sow into the youngest of children and the messages we send them will affect them for a lifetime. It will influence their attitudes, their choices and even their outlook on life.
My husband is one of the most positive people I have ever met. His take on any situation or challenge in life is always a hopeful one. He was very fortunate that the input of his young life helped him to build the foundation for that kind of healthy personality. Unfortunately many children grow up without this kind of healthy input.
A well known Bible verse, Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown, he will not depart from it.” The assurance is that when sound investment is made early in a child’s life, it will make a positive, healthy difference in the later years.
Consider how you can make a difference in the lives of children. Invest in them by providing resources with life-giving messages that they will carry into adulthood.
As parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors, aunts, uncles, and so on, we have a glorious opportunity and responsibility to create lifetime memories in the lives of children…meaningful memories that will help shape their future, and by doing so, shape the future of the world.
Foot note: My husband Amick is unusual. Bursting out in song is not normal dating etiquette…in case you were wondering!